Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Big Bang Theory - S05E07 - The Good Guy Fluctuation (Morality)

Leonard: Well, they say at the end of your life, you regret the stuff you didn’t do more than the stuff that you did, and I’m pretty sure Alice is the stuff I want to do.

Sheldon: You know, the German philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche, believed that morality is just a fiction used by the herd of inferior human beings to hold back the few superior men.

Leonard: That actually does help.

Sheldon: It’s worth noting that he died of syphilis.

Leonard: Screw it, I’m going.

Sheldon: On your way home, will you pick up some orange juice?

Leonard: Do you mind? I’m questioning a lot of things in my life right now.

Sheldon: Is one of those things your fondness for orange juice?

Leonard: No.

Sheldon: Great. Tropicana, no pulp.

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