Saturday, July 14, 2012


"There are 31,530,000
seconds in a year.
1,000 milliseconds in a second.
A million microseconds.
A billion nanoseconds.
And the one constant, connecting
nanoseconds to years,
is change.
The universe.
From atom to galaxy,
is in a perpetual
state of flux.
But we humans
don't like change.
We fight it. It scares us.
So we create
the illusion of stasis.
We want to believe
in a world at rest,
the world of right now.
Yet our great paradox
remains the same...
The moment
we grasp the "now"...
that "now" is gone.
We cling to snapshots.
But life is moving pictures.
Each nanosecond different from the last.
Time forces us to grow.
To adapt.
Because every time
we blink our eyes...
the world shifts
beneath our feet.

Every day,
every moment, every nanosecond
the world changes.
Electrons bump into each other
and react.
People collide
and alter each other's paths.
Change isn't easy.
More often,
it's wrenching and difficult.
But maybe that's a good thing.
Because it's change
that makes us strong.
Keeps us resilient.
It teaches us to evolve." - Jake (Touch S01E12)

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